Just two more days...

   Wow, time is really passing... and quickly. All of the kids have a meet the teacher today. Damian is super excited because he gets to meet his teacher in person today. He will get to tour his classroom, take a look at the lunch room, and get a look at what his life is going to look like this year. He is so excited, and I am excited for him. It's a big step for our little man. It's bittersweet to think in just 2 days he will be off to school.
   Meanwhile, my house is a bit chaotic. Delaney's older brothers came to spend the night with us last night, which was a lot of fun. I kind of miss having them around. We took them to do their back to school shopping yesterday. Even though it was just uniforms, they were excited to have new things. To hear them say it.. the best part wasn't the new clothes... it was that they got to go school shopping with us. (They don't really care for their guardian all that much.) I really think if they were given a choice, they would rather live with Brandi and I. But unfortunately, I don't have the space to even consider it.
   Back to the chaos... We are still trying to adjust Delaney and Blake's meds before the school year officially starts. Those of you that have children with ADHD understand the guessing game of what might work and what may not. I'm personally just trying to make it manageable for their teachers this  year. So far I think we have made some progress, but we have a few more adjustments that need to be made. But we will see what the teachers think once the school year begins.
   We are also incorporating a new schedule. The one I had would have worked, but as it would turn out they have to be at their bus stops much earlier than I expected. As close as the schools are to home, I expected that their buses would run around 7:30. Nope. Try 6:30 on for size. So I had to make some adjustments to the schedule. And lets add that they are at 2 different bus stops. This should be fun. But I am sure that we will pull together and figure out something that works for us.
    Despite the whole schedule change and the bit of chaos, I am still anticipating Thursday morning. This momma most definitely needs a break for her sanity. I love each and every one of my kids dearly, but  I don't think I could take them being out of school for much longer. I need some sort of an actual break. And seeings that Joey and Jason are about the only people that even remotely help with that, I need them in school. Not to mention that they need the structure, socialization, and probably a break from being at home with Brandi and I.
    Wish us luck... Thursday is so close I can almost touch it. Bright blessings lovelies. I hope you are all safe and well.


  1. How was their first day? More important, how was the time to yourself? Ha ha. Hope everyone had a great day.


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