Almost there

Are You Ready for Back to School 2020-21? – Back to School ...

Yay! We are almost there. Just a few more days and then it is time for school and hopefully time to get my sanity back. This year was all over the place due to Spring Break turning into an extended holiday which led to an extremely long Summer Vacation. I was nowhere near prepared and the kids drove me insane for the entire summer. But thankfully, schools are opening for in person teaching... So now my house, my brain, and my sanity can get a little bit of a break.
    A lot has led us to this day.. Needless to say I have had to deal with way more than my sanity thought it could handle. I had to put D in therapy, family counseling, and a behavioral health school. That alone has been pure craziness. And as it would turn out, she has oppositional  defiance disorder on top of her depression and anxiety. (These next 6 years are gonna be just fucking fantastic... not!) So there are a half a dozen appointments every month for the next 3 months. Then add BB and his autism, adhd, and possibly bipolar disorder... all of his appointments... And lets not forget all the adjusting both of their meds and med changes... Yup I'm ready for school.
   But on the plus side there was good news in all that craziness. D qualifies for AP classes and Damian actually scored high enough that he is in Pre-k instead of headstart. (Way to go baby boy!) I am also just about done with all shopping related to school. All I have left is getting D her school supplies once she gets her list on her first day of school. Everything else is all set and ready to go. Including my organization units for the kids backpacks and next days school clothes. Now all that is left is to get D her school supplies once she gets her list on the first day of school. (Just 4 more days.) 
    Don't get me wrong, I love my kids. But this momma is exhausted. I need the relief that school offers. Being trapped in the house with them for the last 5 months has been both physically and mentally exhausting. I really really really need the break. Plus I miss being able to clean my house and it stay clean for a while. 

   And on to other great news... (there is a lot of it) Brandi and I will finally get to know the gender of the baby on September 1st. We agreed on getting the testing vs relying on an ultrasound. We are soon to see a financial break too since JV is actually in a place that he can help. And best of all I now have everyone ( including myself) covered by insurance. So as you can see a lot of weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. And best of all I will soon get to start in on the baby shopping. (I can't wait.)

   Anyway, enough of my blabbering. It's time to get this day started. Bright blessings lovelies. I hope you are all healthy and well.


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