
   Well I guess Damian starting school this year turned out to be a good thing because at 7 a.m. we discovered something great.

     Yup, yet another child from the Price bloodline. Brandi is pregnant. Now it's just a waiting game to find out if we are having a Jordyn Reign or an Andrew Scott.


  1. Still very selfish of you. How about he focus on seeing the kids he already has? When was the last time he saw his daughters from Kristina or his oldest? Pathetic.

  2. To anonymous: Not that it's really any of anyones business.. but this baby is mine and brandi's. While yes, Joey did help us create this child and will be helping here and there with this child.. it was over all a favor to Brandi and I. And even if that were not the case, it's really none of anyones business but Joey's on who he has children with... let alone which ones he sees and how often. As for "pathetic".. it's pathetic of you to be creating so much negativity on such a joyous event for Brandi and I.

  3. new blog lmao


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