What June has in store


   Well for starters, Brandi and I joined the gym. Planet fitness was running a special, so we joined. Black card of course. We have made a plan and we are sticking to it. Two times a day, three days a week. For a total of 6 one hour workouts. We are also eliminating quite a bit of the junk foods that we put in the house. That goes for the kids as well. And we have decided that we will only have one splurge on eating out a week. This will either be on a Friday or Saturday night. But physical fitness is just one of the goals being applied in this household.
     It's time we start focusing on mental health as well. Lately the true DeLaney has been showing. And don't get me wrong, it's actually a good thing that her true colors are showing vs. the show she has put on for the last 3 months. Now I know what help she actually needs. So I have started setting up appointment with doctors, psychiatrist, and therapist. I just wish she would have talked about her true problems instead of hiding behind an act and the common excuse of "I'm not crazy". And I agree... she's not crazy. She does however have some issues that she needs to sort out. But that is normal with having such a traumatic childhood. I can't say what help she needs but I do know that something needs done because my entire household is under stress from dealing with it without help.
     On another note, there are lots of other changes coming this year. Damian is officially enrolled to start school in the fall. It seems like this day just came too quickly. He's still my baby, and now here we are preparing for his first year of school. Where did time go? I know he is ready... but momma isn't. Or am I? I mean on the plus side I will have 8 hours a day to just focus on me. That means I have time to hit the gym without looking for sitters. I have the time I need to focus on my house. But I will definitely miss having him tag behind me trying to help.
   I guess what I am trying to say is that my life is in a constant spiral of changes. But I guess that is what life is all about. We change and then we change again until we find what truly works. And then we change it again. I'm just happy I have such a supportive family. We  work together on everything. No matter the trials, we figure everything out together. So wish us luck with our constantly evolving life.
    Anyway.. time to prepare for our busy Friday ahead. Bright blessings lovelies. I hope you are all healthy and well. I'll try to stay in touch.


  1. Good for you, and thats most likely the right move with laney, good luck.

  2. My gym finally opened back up, so I will be heading there this weekend. I am not sure who Delaney is? Is that the young lady you mentioned might be moving in with you a while back?

    1. Delaney is child we are in the process of adopting.


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