It's official

     My baby boy... But I guess he isn't much of a baby anymore. As of today he is officially a preschooler. Today I finished up his enrollment paperwork. I can't believe that time has passed so quickly. It seems like just yesterday I was teaching him to walk and talk. But I guess I can't keep him that small forever. Luckily I was blessed enough to be able to watch him grow every bit of the way.
   I know he is ready for this next step in life. So I guess that means that I've done my job as his mother, but I am far from ready to see him walk out the door for his first day of school. I guess somewhere in my brain I thought that I could keep him as a baby for the rest of my days. But he proves to me every day that he is ready to grow up. He has become so independent. He rarely needs my help for anything. How did I not see this day coming?
    My baby boy... what am I supposed to do when you are away at school? Who is supposed to keep me busy and make me smile? I'm definitely going to miss you walking up to me, kissing my hand, and telling me I'm pretty and that you love me throughout the day. But I guess it's time we both grow up some, huh? I couldn't be prouder to be your mom. I must have done something right because you are by far one of the most brilliant, sweet, and loving children I know. It's just hard to believe that you are starting school in just a couple of months.
    But that is neither here nor there. You've earned this. You've worked so hard on every step it took to get to this point. I am so proud of you. I just know you are going to do great.


  1. So proud of him and I know he'll enjoy it, do well at it.


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