So much has changed...

   It's so hard to believe that we are already over half way through May. Like really? Where has time went? It does not feel like two weeks has passed since I last blogged. But I guess it has. But on the plus side, I have so much to share.
   As you all know I bought a new car. Well I also decided to sell my Ford. I just have no use for it now that Brandi has a car of her own again. And might I add... she loves it. Which she has every right to it is a gorgeous car. It suits her look. I've got to show off a bit.. so take a look for yourself.

       I have plans to buy her the seat covers I found which are perfect for her and her style.
      Other than that, there have just been a lot of changes going on in the house and with ourselves. I finally broke Brandi and got her to enjoy some of the better things in life. She has found her somewhat  prissy side. I never thought the day would come that she would allow me to start spoiling her, but it has arrived. I actually got her to clothes shop somewhere other than Wal-mart. and to my surprise, she loves it. She got a few shirts the other day from Aeropostale. And she bought her shorts from Rue 21. She now refuses to buy cheap clothing again. In fact, she wants to make another visit to Buckle to get a couple of their shirts. On top of all of this, she agreed to go get her hair redone instead of just settling for a cut.
(Yay! The blonde is back!)
     On top of all of those changes, I have been making some changes myself. I will admit that I had fallen into a slump where I was focusing on everyone else and putting my own needs on the back burner. But just as Brandi and Joey both have stated (along with a few other people)... I need to take time out every day to just focus on me. So that is exactly what I have been doing. Some days it's something as simple as doing my make up and other days it's as extreme as buying myself a new outfit or roses. I am proud of myself though. I have lost 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks, but that comes with paying more attention to myself and my needs. 
    I'm starting to see the changes in my face. And I definitely feel better about myself again. But I have been getting better about waking up every morning and doing at least one thing for myself. Most mornings it just starts with a cup of coffee and enjoying the morning sun on my front porch. But my all time favorite is the fact that I put the red highlights back in my hair. 
     But anyway.. it's time for me to get busy on this house. I am still in the process of replacing some items and getting some other thing  we have been wanting. So I'm off to do some home improvement. I hope you are all enjoying yourselves. Bright blessings lovelies.


  1. Glad she finally got her car. And yes I can tell a difference in your face already, good for you sweetie congrats on the loss


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