On the plus side

   Most people are out frantically bulk buying and preparing for the Covid-19 shut down. My question is "Why are you just now preparing?" I mean as far as cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, food... why didn't you have those things in your house before hand? at all times I have at least 2 bottles of hand sanitizer, an abundance of cleaning supplies, and at least enough laundry detergent and toilet paper to last 2 weeks. I mean isn't that just common sense? Are people not clean until it comes to a life threatening illness?
    On the plus side, I have most of the things I would need for a two week shut down. Everything but toilet paper. I have enough to last maybe another week, but thanks to the frantic buyers... I can't find any...ANYWHERE. But luckily we do have several packs of baby wipes that we no longer needed because our last 2 that were in diapers are now fully potty trained. (Yay for Damian and Destiny.)
    On the plus side of all of this madness, I have had plenty of time to get the house set up the way I want it. With the kids being out of school I have been able to handle more things at home instead of the constant trips to the school or other places to take care of whatever business they may need me to attend to. And since I haven't been traveling all over town five days a week I didn't need to put gas in both cars. So it's been a simple bliss of taking care of the house.
    I managed to get everything I need furniture wise for the bedroom asides from a recliner for myself. The bed finally looks like a peice that belongs in this room. The queen sized bed looked so tiny compared to the room. Eventually we will upgrade to a larger t.v. because let's face it. A 55" just doesn't look very big in here. Actually it looks rather small. But any way, long story short my house is getting more attention than usual since we haven't really left the house except for a grocery run, getting our new bed, and to get my nails done.
    Actually, I'm pretty bored and since there is nothing else for me to do, I guess I'm gonna go find something to clean. Bright blessing lovelies. Stay safe.


  1. I was so proud of Little Man yesterday he came and told me he had to go potty and I took him. The boy has no shame though, lol. Cause I turned around to give him a little privacy and he told me "look Nana" while he peed a long stream lmao but at least it made it in the toilet, lol.

  2. It also bugs me that all the hand sanitizer is gone, but not the hand soap! If people are supposed to be staying home, why don't they want the hand soap to wash their hands properly instead of sanitizer? I wondered the same thing about all the cleaning supplies. Seriously, why didn't most people already have all of that?


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