Gifts from Daddy

    Yesterday Joey spoiled both Brandi and I by treating us to new phones. Brandi didn't really want to be on our phone plan, but with some persuasion from both Joey and I she agreed. So yesterday evening I grabbed my purse and headed out to make the purchase that Joey sent me out for.
   Two hours and two hundred dollars later, I arrived home to surprise Brandi with her new phone and all the extra bells and whistles. Joey told me to make sure I got us both shock proof cases and temper glass screen protectors. So that's exactly what I did. Especially since Brandi has a bad track record for cracking her screen.
    So far she and I both absolutely love our new phones. She's still adjusting to the fact that Joey wants to spoil her as well, but he seems happy to be doing so. He actually told her to get over it, "this is how it works." We are both lucky to have him.
   But anyhow, time to stop my rambling and start my day so I'm hopefully not busy this morning when he calls to do our morning family video chat. Bright blessings lovelies.


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