Getting it right

    So this is my new home office set up. Since not only do I manage all finances and bills here, but now I get the joy of homeschooling until this Covid-19 crap clears up enough to reopen schools. This will include daily conference calls and video chats with all of the kid's teachers. (Oh what fun! NOT!) This means that a good chunk of my days will be spent. Luckily Joey is getting me a more comfortable chair to go with my new desk.
   On another note, I was finally able to find toilet paper. You would think that in a town with over 40 stores it would have been easier to find. But with all the panic buying everywhere ran out...rather quickly. It was luck of the draw that I was able to find two 12 packs today. So of course I grabbed them both so I don't have to worry about it again for a while. I was surprisingly able to locate hand sanitizer as well. (That was yet another thing I was beginning to run low on.)
    But for the most part my house is starting to regain some sort of normalcy. Asides from the hectic bull crap going on in the world, at least we can find peace in the household remaining a safe zone. But anyway, time to get these kiddos to bed so we can maintain a normal schedule. Bright blessings lovelies. Stay safe.


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