Where does it stop?


    Okay, so long story short... my son's father was dating a very young and very immature girl. Well for some unknown reason she decided it wasn't what she wanted, so she left him. Okay... great, that means the time is freed up for all of your kids like it originally was, right? Well no, of course not. Not even 24 hours later and the same ol whore is back to wanting to jump his dick. The same dumb bitch that threatened our son's life, not once.. not twice.. but three fucking times. Hell no! I'll be damned if my son becomes second best again over that.
    So what do I do? My usual.. I bite my tongue, politely state my case, and voice concerns.. Well that and informed him of how the past turned out.. and how this same woman has repetitively ruined his life. Of course he laughed at me and told me nothing has happened or will happen. He says he was just bored and on the road. WTF REALLY?  Why even entertain the idea? When do men develop enough knowledge to look out for themselves?
    It's no lie or secret to say that Joey and I still love one another. For god sake, his phone is still full of pictures of me, of us, of our family that we created. We just couldn't figure out how to make a relationship work, so we chose to value a friendship instead of letting a relationship destroy what we do have. He still calls me at least 4 times a day. I'm grateful for our friendship. I just wish he would get a clue and make decisions that are best for him instead of thinking with his dick so much. I just hope this time he has more common sense than to allow a whore to cloud his judgement.. and this time I will throw his words back in his face. The same words he told me several times before when I would become irritated over this woman... "you can't turn a whore into a housewife... once a whore always a whore". 


  1. I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about but I hope you have realized by now that I have not one but 2 of his kids who were also being chosen second to his little child gf. And who were neglected when he was with you. So. Stop the damn name calling because lord knows how much of your business I could air just from listening to his conversations with you that he's had here at my house. Yiu can say all you want about me and it ain't gonna do a damn thing. I know what I have and have not done and I can damn sure say I never fucked his cousin in his own damn house and then left him multiple times for people yall were supposed to "just be helping get back on their feet". At least I'm not raising my kids to depend on child support money or money you beg and plead and bitch to the dad about when all your damn money goes to booze and weed. I actually have a career and am putting myself through school so I can provide a better life for my kids on my own without any mans help. I don't understand how you say I've ruined his life when you have literally caused him to lose his own home multiple times. You need to learn a little thing about personal space and stay off of his shit. You don't have that privilege anymore. Move the fuck on.

    1. I dont know where the fuck you get your information, but drugs dont come in my home.. More than i can say for yours. And beg and plead for money? Uh no hun. He has willingly paid more than his part by agreed terms that you really dont want to hear about. As far as me leaving him goes, you may want to get some of your time lines correct. But i can say that no matter who i did and didnt sleep with, i never brought an std home. Him losing homes? Cant blame that one on me either because as long as he was making the money, i was paying his bills. So check yourself.

  2. I've actually heard and read both ends of the conversation you hounding him for money he didn't have to spend because you and your gf can't make ends meet. Causing me to have to pay a bill or 2 for him just so he still had a working phone. And then him slinging threats your way because you don't know your fucking place and insist on still getting the benefits of the old lady title. As for the STD, considering mine was a very mild case and caught early on and Joeys wasn't, who actually brought home the STD? Cuz that sure as fuck wasn't me. I have all my facts straight. You must feel so horrible about yourself to continuously try to tear down someone who hasn't fucked with you in at least a year. Doesn't matter how pretty you think you are darling, on the inside you're as ugly as ever. I'll pray for you. Have a blessed night.

    1. Again you got played. But believe what you will. And I'm sure you have read part of conversations. But i also know he deletes what he doesnt want others knowing. But i only know that because he informed me he wanted my pictures back after you went through his phone and thought you deleted them. And your one to talk. Everytime he does something to piss you off he calls talking about how you threatened to destroy his shit and how you expect money from him asides from the outrageous amount you get for child support. (Which i dont get so he makes cash payments.) Not to mention that we help one another.. He needs something i help him too if i have it. Which most of the time i am able to help him out.
      And to correct your line of thought.. I am actually very happy with myself. Not my fault you still stalk my blog and feel the need to know every thought i share. This is my outlet. I have and always will speak my mind here.

  3. Im sorry what? Outrageous amount? I have 2 kids with him and only get 433 a month. I've seen your paperwork and actually it's in my glovebox in my car, and for 1 kid you're supposed to be getting the same damn amount as me. Someone else is getting way more than I'm getting. Yeah i ask for a little extra money here and there bc guess who has been taking care of his ass since you left him? Me. Other than that I pay my own damn bills and take care of everything else my damn self. Someone is delusional as hell. Please just for arguments sake, post as you please. But don't bring me up in it again. Bc unlike you, i have been pushing him to see all his kids. Not just mine and to look out for his son's best interests. Kindly learn your place and realize that you aren't his old lady anymore and therefore do not have the right to know every little fucking thing that goes on in his life. Goodnight.

    1. Theres only one thing you are right about in that whole fucking comment. Yeah hes supposed to pay nearly $400 a month but i havent pushed my paperwork through yet due to bullshit hes told me has been going on down there. And you're right. Im not his ol lady... But he knows that this is still his home. I never kicked him out or told him he has to leave. He still calls this home because its where his son and i reside. He knows here hes actually wanted and hes good for more than a quick lay and a babysitter.

  4. When it's your own kid it's not called babysitting and he very rarely watches the kids. If that is home, then please come pick up all his stuff... oh wait that's right. It's all at my place. Please just stop okay. You are in an active relationship with someone else and have made comments about y'all getting married (haven't we heard this before but you're still married to someone else?) I think it's disrespectful as fuck that you carry on the way you do with joey when you have your gf. But you and him were always that way weren't yall? Doesn't matter who you're with you'll always be looking for something better or looking for something from your past. You're just making a fool of yourself at this point Brit. I truly hope you find the happiness you say you have already so maybe you'll stop being a petty bitch that does nothing but pick at everyone elses flaws in order to make yourself feel better.

    1. Again.. I have no need to "make myself feel better". And joey and i are always going to be the way we are with one another. As we have both said... Its going to take very strong and accepting people to be our spouses. Luckily my gf is exactly that. Im sorry that we cant be honest with you about the things that go on between us. You just arent strong enough to handle it.

  5. You both need to just move past him and quit acting like either one of you had the love story of the year. You can't force someone to love you when they don't know how to love themselves. Instead of being do determined to make him love you and want you and only you, start learning that these kids need each more than you guys need "Daddy". You are both naive to think he is only feeding you the truth. He has always a girl on the side and has always made it clear that he won't be alone for long. Hasn't digging at each other's throats for the last 4 years been exhausting enough?

    Brittany, I'm so surprised to see you so upset over him not seeing his kids because it's never phased you before so long as he was there for Damian. Maybe now you'll see what he really is instead of consistently finding others to blame. As long as he's in your life for anything more than the father of your child whom you're on good terms with, your relationship/engagement will always be in jeopardy because someone can only handle being second best for so long.

    Kris, you've been his back up for far too long. Nearly ten years. I know you have things in the works but you're shooting yourself in the foot just from your comments here. Love yourself and those babies enough to cut him off for good.

    If he couldn't stay loyal to the person he chose to marry what makes either of you think he will ever be loyal to you and only you? Leave him to his job and let him get his footing on his own this time without either of you being a safety net.

    You both deserve better than to keep on with the name calling and degradation of each other. It's time to move forward instead of backwards. Our kids deserve better.

    I mean he has a direct way to contact his oldest child and still can't be bothered. Instead of spending Thanksgiving break with her, he left to be with you Brit. If he can't make his oldest daughter a priority, what makes you think any of his kids are? You can't force someone to grow up and the sooner you both realize that the more at peace you'll become.

    1. Im sorry to bust your bubble Felicia, but I'm not trying to win him back or make him love only me. And my only demand of him while we were together was to be there 100% or leave everyone alone. He chose not at all. The one thing i can give him is that he mostly keeps to his word with our son. But i choose not to be a complete bitch with him either. My battle isnt with you or kris. My battle is when it starts effecting my son.

    2. I didn't say you were trying to win him back. I'm just saying that as long as you both feed into his manipulation and mind games, itll never stop. Slandering each other gets no results. He may love his children but he doesn't care to be there. I know you are just seeing it because you have his son and he places that relationship above his girls but the test of us have been dealing with it for years. He has court appointed time with his daughter and still chooses not to bother. He has a way to text her and still can't be bothered. It's sad but it's the truth.

    3. I dont allow him to manipulate me. We have a system and it works. As for his relationship with his son... It has a lot to do with the fact that ive never threatened to snatch his son away. He has even told the both of you.. He quit trying because yall wanted to make demands and snatch his children vs working with him. Joey and I work together as parents. Thats something neither of you have ever done and it seems to mostly be working for us.

    4. Lol so now I snatch his daughter away? When his actions speak louder than his words that is what I go by. He blew off his visitation for Thanksgiving that he demanded to have to go with you AGAIN. He blew off Christmas with her because I refused to let him in my home and told him we have strict court terms to stick to. He had a way to talk to A and check in with her and he refused that. He has guaranteed weekends and a weekday visit but would rather be with his son than spend time with his oldest. I've already made peace with the fact that he doesn't want to see A or spend time with her. I'm glad you're okay with this because all that matters is his son. That's the only reason you're so upset because you're finally getting a taste of your own medicine.

      I just came here to say that neither of you should be throwing stones because you both spent your fair share of time being second to him. He has not and will never be faithful. He has always has a plan B. Best of luck to your future wife, I hope she can live with always coming second to Jr.

    5. Taste of my own medicine? I fought to have visits with your daughter while i was with jr. I remember what it was like having those visits and the bullshit that would follow for weeks to follow. I was at the receiving end of all of your messages where you would call him a dead beat, exc because he couldnt make it there exactly when the court order said for him to be there due to work. I was there when you told him picking her up for a few hours on a sunday (because it was his only time off) was absolutely unacceptable. I read the messages of you demanding the child support yet refused to even tell him where his daughter was so he could stop by and see her. I read every message and heard every call. Infact i handled most of it because it got to a point he just couldnt anymore. And im sorry that you have the same visitation schedule set up as i do. Its a standard visitation guideline. So yes he came to spend part of those holidays with his son. I requested that he not bring ally to my home due to the lies told in the past. During his couple hours to couple of days that he spent here your daughter spent time with other relatives from jrs side. So a taste of my own medicine?? No. Far from it. I work with joeys schedule and the fact that he has other children. My only request is that he work with me as well. And for the most part he has held to that. However i know how he works and i know that occasionally a poa can cloud his judgment..
      As for my wife? She completely understands how things are with joey and i because she has a very similar relationship with her youngest daughters father. She has offered to open our home to joey as well... Every time that he has said he may need a place to crash or rather spend the weekend here with all of us. She often laughs and talks with the both of us. Unlike some... She is very mature about the situations we have at hand. She makes strides to ensure that our children have the best relationships possible with their fathers. But being second best is far from the truth. We have learned to work together as one unit vs always fighting.


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