What's going on?

   I really wish I could tell you that I've had a very boring last couple of weeks. I wish I could say that I haven't blogged simply because there was nothing new to share. But that would be a lie. I haven't blogged because I wasn't sure how to put it all in words. I haven't blogged because my brain has been more like a scrambled egg than anything. But we will skip past all of the other excuses and say I've been busy.
    I have had some good moments that I would like to share before I jump into my frantic rants though. For instance, I got the final numbers on buying our home. $8,800. That's not bad for a 3 bedroom home, even if it does require some work to make it a better situation for our family. Not to mention that the landlord will be helping with some of the repairs. I think Brandi and I are going to bite that deal. Meaning within 2 years we will own our home. No more renting.
    Another relieving moment was Damian's first speech therapy session. I didn't get to go back with him because studies show that children normally do better without their parents present. But his speech therapist came back very satisfied with how the appointment went. They are currently working on correctly sounding B's and F's. She said he did amazing for his first visit. I've been able to tell some difference in his speech already. Words like bike, fish, fries.. he is saying more clearly. I think I would have to agree that he won't need the full 6 months unless we decide to continue just to get him ahead.
    Potty training is going fairly well too. We have only been having 1-2 accidents a day normally following wake up or nap time. But considering that I haven't had to remind him to go potty, I'd say that is pretty good. 1 pack of diapers has lasted us nearly 2 weeks and there are still a few left in the pack. I can't really complain. I'm just sure to put a diaper on him before we leave home for errands because he seems skittish of public restrooms. But at least he is doing well at home.
                                       NOW ON TO THE RANTS!!!
   I want to start by saying I am so tired! I am tired of liars, manipulators, pathetic excuses of fathers... I am tired of it all!!!! Now I know that most of you are probably sitting back wondering what my baby daddy did now, but keep in mind I have 3 different fathers I deal with. 2 of which are the fathers of Brandi's kids. It's been hell dealing with them this week. The father of her oldest 2 is a pathological liar. So far I've done well in catching him in every single lie. This man has been running from his child support for months. The last payment being nearly 3 months ago. I've heard everything from maybe it's because I am working 2 jobs, they are taking it out on my end so why aren't yall getting it?, it's a fuck up on the OAG's side... come to find out, he quit his job as soon as he got notice that child support was going to start coming out. Okay whatever just be sure to be an active part in your children's lives. It just means we will have to cut back on all the extras we were able to do for the kids. Then this son of a bitch decided to dip out on visitation. That was my last straw. I told him how it was and then reported his new address and job to OAG.
     Baby daddy number 2 decided to put himself in major debt over the last month to where he can't even cover his own rent. What kind of man has 11 kids in his home and thinks that buying pallets of damaged goods is of importance? He spent over $4000 on these pallets and then needed Brandi and I to come to the rescue because his car broke down. He's been so tied up trying to please his ex dope head of a wife that he failed to see any of the problems the kids in his custody are dealing with. His step daughter tried to overdose, his oldest son in trouble 3 times in a week for looking up porn on school property, one of his youngest sons being near blind, his grand daughter contemplating running away from home, and the straw that breaks the camel's back... his oldest grandson ( which he has custody of) being on probation for terroristic threats and homicidal thoughts. Nowhere in all of this have I mentioned that he doesn't pay child support and that he goes to the flee market every weekend so his time with his daughter that we have custody of is mostly shrugged off.
   Then we have Joey.. my son's father. Far from perfect but I guess he is the better of the 3. I give him credit for making sure we have the money needed to get by. We are still trying to make this whole friendship thing work. Or at least I am. But friendship requires honesty. I don't mind him having another girlfriend (although I don't care for the fact that she is only 19-20 years old). I just request that he not have her around Damian. One because of her age and levels of maturity and secondly because I don't want Damian around someone that is just a fling to begin with. But I am noticing that it's starting to become a problem with him seeing his kids like he is supposed to. Granted Damian still sees him, just not nearly as much as he has in the past. I wish Joey would find a happy median between work, his kids, and his girlfriend. Currently we are not to that point. He is still prioritizing his time with this girl. But what can really be done? At least he is prioritizing Damian's financial needs. It's a lot more than I can say for the other fathers I deal with.
   It's sad to say that majority of what should be my spare time is spent arguing with one baby daddy or another. Thankfully Joey hasn't been in that category these last few weeks. For the most part he has helped where needed. But the other 2 have exceeded giving me a headache. It's been more hassle than it's worth. Especially with the older 2 kids dad. I can't understand how 1 person can be such a shitty father. But I guess it is what it is. You can't make someone be an adequate parent... or a parent at all. One day they will all reap what they have sown. It's them that will regret it.. not me.
    Hopefully these next few weeks will be better. So wish us luck. Bright blessings lovelies.. wishing you all the best.


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