Just like we used to do...

   Has anyone ever heard that old saying about friends? I can't remember it word for word but it was something about some friends being for just a little while and some being there the rest of your life. I'm really realizing how true that is. I have had friends that only stuck around for a few months, and I've had friends that are still here 10+ years later. I am happy to say that my ex is still one of those lifetime people.
   I remember when I first met him. I wasn't quite sure what to make of him. There wasn't much to him. Just a scrawny white boy, baggy clothes, and an attitude from hell. (much like my own.) I thought I would never get rid of him. We had mutual friends and he knew my family. Back then I tried to get rid of him. I even moved to a different state. Every time I would end up unfriending him on facebook, He'd just send another one from another account a couple months later. He was like that stray cat that you couldn't get rid of. Looking back at it now it's humorous. We were good friends, but he always had someone and that wasn't the type of guy I was looking for.
    Until I came back home to Texas 4 years later. And guess who was there with open arms welcoming me back... Joey. Since then we have had our ups and downs, but he is always still there. I need help.. he's there. I need a listening ear... he's there. I need him to set our son straight... (he does a bad job at it) but he's there. We suck as a couple but he is a great friend and a major part of my life. I couldn't ask for a better partner in crime. There are days I miss him being home. After all... he is my best friend.
   He's always been the one to put my life back on track. And when those panic attacks hit.. he's always there to remind me to breathe. I'm just really lucky that we can talk for hours like we used to do.


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