I'm tired

Image result for emotionally tired meme

   How many times do you have to say "I'm tired" for someone to get the hint to get up and help? It seems like every relationship I've ever been in, eventually it all lands in my lap. Financial planning, bill paying, house hunting, kids, cleaning, cooking... everything. I never get a fucking break. I'm always doing something in or for the house. I'm always making appointments, or something to do with the kids. I'm always fucking busy. Even my down time is spent running numbers through my head. I get beyond the point of exhaustion. And yet somehow it never registers in anyone else's brain "hey... maybe I should help." NO it always boils down to me having to scream and yell at someone to get off their lazy asses and do something productive.
    I don't know what world people live in but they need to realize bills don't pay themselves, rooms don't clean themselves, dinner doesn't cook itself, and this house doesn't run on laziness. It gets tiresome. But of course I'm the bad guy when I finally have enough and blow up. I can't be the only one to handle everything all the time. Especially now that there are 6 people under my roof. When I say I'm tired, it means I want help. Is it going to kill anyone to fold laundry or sweep a fucking floor, or even do a load of dishes? No! But it'd sure be nice to have even a little bit of this load off of my shoulders.


  1. I feel you on every word of this post! It's honestly like the more dependable and efficient you are, the more people take it for granted. I do the same thing, handle everything myself, silently, until I am overwelmed, and then I explode. And everyone is like "oooooh, she's grumpy today", ha ha.


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