How sweet of him

   Earlier today Joey's mom messaged me letting me know that there was a sale going on at Hobby Lobby. I told Joey when he called me for a little chat this evening. He, of course, told me to use his bank card and go get myself whatever it was that I wanted. So that's exactly what I did.

    With everything that I juggle, I've been meaning to get a new planner that suits all of my needs. This one now meets all expectations. It has my monthly to keep track of all appointments, Joey's time back home, kids visitations, and when bills are due.. All at a glance. It has my weekly so I can give myself more in depth elaborations of what everything is for. In the back I added a section to jot down notes or important messages. Then right at the front, I added a section for a to do list and post-it's for emergency reminders.
    So far I love it. Thank you Joey.


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