A shoulder to lean on

   I can't praise Joey enough for the help he's given over this last week. Yesterday and today especially. My stress levels have been through the roof here lately with everything that is going on. I talk to Brandi, of course, but she doesn't know how to talk me off of a ledge like Joey does. Unfortunately he has 5 years of experience of talking me off of ledges. But he has definitely helped me through this week. I wish I could say the worst of it is over with, but we all know that is not the case. Life has been throwing me curve balls here lately and they don't seem to be coming to an end any time soon. But thankfully I have my rock.
   I'm back to learning how to juggle everything all at once. Hell, this past week alone we had a doctor's appointment of some sort every day of the week. That wasn't including any of the pop up surprises that came up. We had a problem with our oldest daughter and lice earlier this week. That threw me into a frenzy. I treated everyone's hair wither they had nits or not. (our oldest was the only one to actually have anything.) Then I tortured her for another 3 days by treating her hair until I found nothing at all. I'm sure her head is pretty tender right now, but at least I know there are no lice.
    Then a friend of ours found out she had bedbugs. There I was in yet another frenzy searching every inch of every mattress, rewashing all bedding, washing every stitch of clothes we own, tearing apart our couch, exc. Good news... we are bug free. But it still threw me into a panic. And it didn't help that panic either to uncover the hidden messes the kids have been hoarding in their bedrooms. So that ended up in a whole 2 day cleaning frenzy.
   To add to all of that headache I have a few personal things that I'm not willing to share just yet. It's all just been a headache. But luckily even in the worst of it all, I had Joey to talk to. He was able to lend a helping hand, not only by calming me down but also in helping me figure it out. Or at very least helping me clear my head enough that I could think things through. If he didn't have work so early in the morning I would probably be talking to him now. But I chose to tell him I was heading to bed so he could get some rest himself.
    I know his life isn't all peaches and cream right now either, so I try not to bother him with the unnecessary issues. I know he has a lot going on in his own head as well. I guess that is the part that makes us so close regardless of circumstances. We are always there for one another when they need it most. It's hard to find friends, or even partners like that now day. But I guess we are the lucky ones... we always know that there is a shoulder to lean on... even in the hardest of times.


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