What's new

     Well to answer that question, A lot. There has been a lot to change in the past couple of weeks. Brandi and I have been contemplating moving to a new town. We love the town we currently live in, but we aren't sure that we are really happy here. It's near impossible to settle into a new relationship with your ex's so close. And her ex most definitely likes to push buttons where she can. That alone has given us reason to believe that we might be better off in a different town. But that's not all that has changed.
    Joey and I are in a rough patch with our friendship. The more I try to be there for him, the further he seems to be pushing me away. Last night was the first time in two weeks that we sat down and had an actual conversation. He is in a new relationship (that I don't condone). I fear that this one is going to get him in a mess of trouble. She isn't quite old enough to understand the situation he has and to be honest, I don't think that he cares. I see it as his escape from adulthood. It's already caused difficulty in our friendship and how we chose to parent our son.
    Part of me says to let him go through this midlife crisis and learn from it. Another part of me says that I should speak my mind and make him see where this could potentially destroy him and become an even bigger setback. But of course I have no right. As he has reminded me several times this week "I am not his ol' lady". Words that cut like a knife when you are truly looking out for someone's best interest. But I have to remember that I can't let his downfall be mine as well. Sometimes no matter how much you care for someone you have to let them fall.
    On another note... My little man is growing up. He had an appointment with a speech therapist just last week and it went surprisingly well. I feared that he may have been behind on his vocabulary, but it turns out that we only have to focus on his pronunciation. He is right on track with the number of words that he knows and with his sentence formation, however he does need a little help with pronouncing his words more clearly. He sometimes confuses his p's with b's as well as his sh as ch. But that is a work in progress. We are on the right track with getting him into preschool. Now if only we could get past this 3 minute attention span of his we would be doing great.
    Damian's doctor and I have been working tirelessly to get his asthma under control before the days of school begin. So far we are doing well. We are going 2 weeks with no attacks. The doctor is no longer concerned with Damian's oxygen levels, although he has suggested that Damian be cautious of the amount of pet dander he is around. But that isn't completely within my control.
   But there you have it. Life is changing for myself and those around me. Some for the better, some not so much. But hopefully things reach a level of normality again soon. All would be great if I could just have my best friend back. I have hope.


  1. It would be hard for me not to say something, too. But after you have said what you had to say, maybe it's time to step back. You can't make decisions for him. I have a tendency to want to jump in and start directing things when I think someone is making a mistake, so I totally understand having a hard time letting him press on with his own decisions!

  2. Im glad it's nothing major with little man. Im sure he'll do well come school time he's a smart cookie.


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