The Ugly Truth

    I kind of feel bad for my ex. He has been trying to get himself back into the dating pool, but epically failing. I know this has a lot to do with how close him and I still are. Of course we have the normal disputes, but we have an unbreakable bond. No matter how good or bad things are going we will always share those stories with one another.
    For instance, last night he had one of his "flings" over. Of course I didn't know, so I called him to talk. It was mostly about our son, coming events, and what I was going to need from him. Well I guess that was too much for her. She let her jealousy get the best of her and attempted to start a fight between Joey and I by opening her mouth. Well that backfired. Instead it started a fight between them.
     I wish I could say that it was only a short lived argument. However instead it led to the ugly truth. He says that he told her everything. Well let's face it.. the truth is hard for anyone to handle. How can you start a new relationship when you are still tied up with your ex? He says he was honest with her about how much he misses me. He also says he came clean about taking items from me to help him cope with the fact he can't have me. Along with a a few other ugly truths.
    Although I wish Joey all the best in this world, I don't see a relationship working out for him anytime soon. But atleast I can say that he will always have my friendship. While we may have made a horrible excuse of a couple, we make excellent friends. And that will never change.


  1. I wouldn't like it if a guy I was dating told me he misses his ex! So I don't blame her for not being happy with that. I don't know how she chose to handle it, though. It's great you guys have chosen to stay friends. I hope it works out best for all of you.


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