Getting Back to Normal

    For a couple of weeks, I was beginning to wonder if things would ever get back to normal. Joey wasn't able to continue visitation on a normal routine. Plus there were things going on at home with the other kids that made me question what was going to be the new normal. And although things aren't completely back to normal, I am starting to see a glimpse of normality.
    Joey's hours are slowly starting to pick back up to normal. That in it's own is setting so many things back to normal. With his hours being more like normal, finances and visitation are getting back to normal. Joey and I have been talking quite a bit about how we plan to handle finances now that we are starting to see normalcy again. It's actually been a very calm and productive conversation. (Although of course we have been able to have friendly conversations again.)
     I was actually glad to hear that he has missed our household. He has even missed Brandi and her kids. That was a bit of a surprise to me, but then again I can't say that I blame him. My household has always been ran on consistency and routine. I'm sure he doesn't see much of that anymore. Plus I imagine it's a big break for him. No one here is constantly on his ass about his choices or telling him to do this or that. Plus other than when he eats at his mothers, here is the only place he gets a decent meal that he didn't have to cook for himself.
    But anyway.. that's enough of talking bout him and that situation. (Although I have much more that I could say, since SOMEONE decided to invade his privacy and go through his phone and delete things.) Things around the house are beginning to get back to normal as well. I was finally able to catch up on the housework that I have been procrastinating on while school was out for Christmas break. However, I cant wait for everything to go back yo complete normalcy. So wish me luck over the next week or so as I slowly get everything back the way it belongs.


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