What's been going on???

   Okay, well honestly not a lot has changed. I'm still stuck between busy days and days of laying in bed cuddling with my love. But I'm here to say... you probably won't hear from me at all next week. I have a schedule jam packed full of appointments for the kids and things that need to be done. I'll be surprised if I get any me time in at all. But who needs that anyway? LMAO... That was a joke. I will find time for myself as I always do.
   My only hope is that any shit starters or exes choose a different week to start their shit. Next week will not be the time to push my buttons. It seems like they have been on a streak of "how to piss them off next". Brandi's ex is still trying to make herself needed in the kids lives. I'm pretty sure I have managed to piss her off in more than one way in the last week an I will probably achieve it again before the weekend ends. She probably won't be too happy with knowing that she won't be getting Brandi's car.. but oh well. I guess I'm on a streak of pissing people off too. But honestly, I don't care.
    My only concern is my household and the people in it. I could care less if I piss off an insignificant.... (uh, I will keep it PG). I guess you could call it my lesson of the month, but I am learning to not let those outside of my household affect my mood or emotions. I have replaced harsh feelings with sarcasm. Which I've noticed pisses people off too... Especially when you call someone an eggplant. LMAO. (I couldn't help myself... She does resemble the shape of an eggplant. She has the common sense of an eggplant too.) I may have pissed a few people off.. but I got a good laugh.
   But asides from the obvious drama.. everything has been pretty great. I've spent a lot of time just focusing on what matters most.. ME AND MINE. Brandi has been reminding me on a daily how important it is to make time to do the things that make me happy. So yours truly made time to do my nails and dye my hair this past week. And she was so right.. it made me feel a million times better.
    She and I have had a talk about a week ago about getting back in shape. It's great to have a partner that is willing to set goals matching your own. So once we have our bigger vehicle, we will be going to get her workout equipment and start in on becoming healthier versions of ourselves. It beats the hell out of being in a relationship where you are constantly told.. "Don't lose weight.. you could stand to gain a few pounds." At least she is supportive of me wanting to stay in shape (round is not an option, lol) and be healthy. 
   Long story short.. life is great. I can't wait to see what life has in store for Brandi and I. But I should probably get off of here and get on with my day. I'm beginning to see where my sarcasm has rubbed off on this post and I should probably shut my mouth before I say some not so nice things. So bright blessings lovelies. I'll leave you with a few words of wisdom.

Remember your worth. Even the dumbest and ugliest souls on this earth deserve truth, honesty, and to not be just an item to another individual.


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