Weekly update

   Or at least that's what it seems like here lately.. huh? I know I haven't been on top of my blogging and I've probably left a lot of room for your imagination to kick in. Is she dead? To answer that question, I'm alive and kicking. I've just been really busy. And when I'm not busy, I've spent my time doing things that I would enjoy much more than sitting behind a computer screen typing at a keyboard.
    It's been a bit of an emotional roller coaster for me over the last couple of weeks. (As it always is this time of year.) This is the time of year that most people are spending time with their family or shopping for that perfect Christmas present for their beloved. For me, that isn't exactly true. Every year I go through the same depression stage at about this time of year. I miss my family.
    Most of the year I am perfectly okay knowing that I am the black sheep of the family and that I pretty well have no one outside of my household. But this time of year hits me hard. So I try to make up for things with the family I have built vs the ones I was born to. This year I have seen that Brandi's family has adopted me as one of them. I tried to avoid family photos and being put in the spotlight, but it was unavoidable. I tried to sneak out during the family photo only to be drug back in and placed next to Brandi. I'm still surprised at how fast the family has accepted me. (Even though Brandi and I have only been together for about 3 months.)
    I have to admit that Friday I hit a bit of a low spell. I didn't even want to get out of bed. But thanks to Brandi and Joey, I was able to pull myself out of it rather quickly. Joey took time off so he could come up a day early and spend the entire weekend with us. Despite the fact that we are no longer together, I'm glad to say that we are still close. We are able to talk, laugh, and joke. But most importantly, when I need him.. he is always there.
    Friday night when he arrived, we ended up staying up until 6 in the morning just playing cards and talking. It seems like a bit of a tradition now for his weekends here with us. Although things were a bit rocky at first (when we first split) Brandi and I now look forward to his visits. Strangely enough, when Joey mentioned the possibility of losing work, Brandi had mentioned him coming back here to find work. (That was a shocker.)
    But anyway, long story short.. everything has been mostly good and all is well. Bright blessings lovelies. I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season.


  1. I don't care for the holiday season either, especially Christmas. I like New Year's, though. Can we fast forward to that? :)


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