The love of my life

   I don't know how she does it, but every time I have any type of doubt in my mind if this is truly going to be my last relationship.. she does something so extraordinarily sweet. These are the messages she sent tonight when she left to pick her stepdad from work. And just as I was having doubt that she is truly happy. 
    We've been dealing with a lot here lately. And by a lot... I mean a lot of drama. A couple of weeks ago we tried to make a mends with her ex for the sake of the kids. It ended horribly. It went great for about 3 hours and then her ex pulled a bitch card and tried to pity Brandi into coming back. It reached a point that after I had left to go to moms, Brandi went back to pick up Damian and her ex tried to pull her in and attempted to kiss her. But Brandi pushed her away. Every since, we have had at least one disagreement with one of our exs every day since. On that front, it has been a nightmare. But I am still very happy with her. However I was having concerns that she may be having second thoughts about us. 
   Tonight she cleared that up for me perfectly. Maybe she is truly as happy with me as I am with her.  I know on my end, I adore everything about her. She is absolutely perfect. She loves me for who I am. Despite how clingy and childish I may be at times. She doesn't gripe or bitch when I refuse to do housework until I feel I have had enough affection. She doesn't complain when I decide to have a comfy day... or three. And I never hear a complaint from her when I need a little help around the house or with the kids. These and many other things are what makes loving her so easy. She is truly the love of my life.


  1. Sometimes just getting that kind of reassurance, even if nothing is actually wrong, is so comforting. When do you hope to have your divorce wrapped up?

    1. i'm hoping by the end of the year. (that's if he doesn't roll over before then.)


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