Not all that glitters is gold

Image result for fools gold meme

   Have you ever thought that for just a moment you had completely lucked out? Like maybe it was the luckiest moment of your life? Like you struck gold? And moments later you realize that wasn't gold... it was fools gold. People can be much like fools gold. You think you are holding on to something precious only to find out they are a pretty colored stone. 
    I've had plenty of those type people come in and out of my life. For a brief moment all seems right in the universe. I feel like I've finally got what I had thought I deserved. And then crash and burn. The world comes to what feels like it's end. Everything is wrong. 
    Due to being through this type thing with many before, I'm pretty quick to catch a lump of fools gold. What I can't understand is why there are so many dishonest people in today's society. Why so many people play these silly mind games only with the intention to ruin someone elses happiness. Or is it just that this world is that fucked up? 
    I know in the past I have played games to try to win someone over. But I never realized just how pathetic it really was until I watched someone else do it to someone I loved. And of course, the wool is over her eyes because she wants to believe that someone in this fucked up world is capable of being honest and doing good. I just can't understand how people become so blind that they hold on to fools gold while letting the real gold sift straight through. 


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