Making time for me

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   Ok.. I'll admit that I haven't been taking care of myself the way I once did. In fact, I've been letting a lot slip for the past few months. But honestly... It's just so hard to push myself to do it when I find so much joy in just lounging around being goofy with Brandi. I easily lose hours and sometimes even days. There are several days that we have laid in bed or cuddled in front of the tv and lost the whole morning. Sometimes it is so bad that we finally glance at the clock and it's nearly time for kids to be home from school. 
   But this is a bad habit that I really need to break myself of. Today was the first time in weeks that I actually achieved more than just tidying the house and throwing things together. I actually feel accomplished. Don't get me wrong.. I will have plenty more days of wasting the day away with my beloved wife, but I really need to pick a day and catch up on deep cleaning and self care. 
   So starting tomorrow I will be getting back in the habit of using my planner, making time to take care of me, and adding in a little extra time to put towards working on the house. ( I say that.. watch me spend all morning cuddling.) I'll eventually get it all figured out.


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