Making the best of life

    While everyone else out there is racking their brains and making New Year's resolutions to lose weight or save more money... exc, I've decided to skip past all of that this New Year. I plan to simply take this coming year one day at a time. Every year I watch people waste the entire year working on these goals they set for themselves and forget to take in the little moments that truly make them happy. That won't be me this year. I intend on making the best of every day.
    I don't want to be like I have been over the past few years. I don't want to focus so hard on how I want my life to be that I forget to just enjoy how things are right now. In the fall Damian will be starting preschool... I want to enjoy the time I have with him now. He won't be this small forever. And I will never be able to get these moments back. It won't be like this forever.
     I think that we all need to take a moment and just enjoy life. Look around you.. realize all the things you already have.. and appreciate them. I may not have the biggest or fanciest house, or a brand new car, or even the best financial situation. But what I do have is a loving and supportive family unit, a roof over our heads, and memories to be made. It may not meet everyone else's standards. But it works for us.


  1. There's too much uncertainty and too many things still in the air for me to make any resolutions, anyway. I like the idea of slowing down to appreciate the here and now. Happy new year!


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