Great as always

    Well another day down. They say it takes 30 days to break a bad habit. So day 2 of staying out of bed and getting shit done is a go. I'm awake and actually very chipper. Joey arrived last night  which resulted in another 3 am bedtime, so I should actually be tired. But I'm not.
   I actually didn't have any hesitation on getting out of bed to start coffee and breakfast so I can wake everyone else up. Although after seeing everyone sleeping away so peacefully, I think I will hold of on the breakfast bit and get some cleaning done instead. It's probably best that way anyhow since Joey and Brandi suggested we take this warm day and take Damian to the park or even out to the park near the lake to play.
    It's going to be another great day my fellow bloggers. I just hate to see the weekend come to an end. It seems like it just began.


  1. Glad Joey makes so much time for Damian

    1. Hes always done well when it comes to making time for Damian and I.


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