Feeling loved

    Last night Brandi went to pick up her step dad from work. When she returned, she handed me these 3 new stuffies. I was so excited. She knows I absolutely love stuffies. She also knows that getting me a new stuffie is the quickest way to put me in an amazing mood.
   So anyway, the two smaller ones are from her. The bigger pink one is a gift from my father in-law. I guess the occasion called for him getting me a gift too. Last night Brandi was in one of her heart felt moods and informed me that she wants my divorce over and done with. She says the last 3 months with me have made her happier than she has ever been in her life and that she intends on making me her wife.
    So yay me! I got new stuffies and a confession of love. Last night turned out to be amazing. I absolutely love this woman. She will stop at nothing to see a smile on my face. And her family absolutely adores me, which makes me happy as well. I finally feel like I have that big loving family I dreamed of having as a kid.
    Life is great my fellow bloggers. I hope yours is as well.


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