Beginning of a new week

   Is it Monday already? Where did the weekend go? It seems like just yesterday it was Friday. I could even ask where this month has gone. Friday the kids will be out for Christmas break. There is only 9 days left before Christmas. Thank god we managed to get all the gift shopping out of the way. It's just hard to believe that we are already so close to a new year. It seems like 2019 was gone in the blink of an eye.
   But for now lets focus on this week. With it being the week before Christmas we have a lot of end of the year things to catch up on. Its mostly appointments for the kids. But in reality... what's new about that? Honestly, not much. With 4 kids it a constant go go go. There is always some sort of activity, program, or appointment. Sometimes it gets difficult to keep up with. That's why I have a home planner, a personal planner, and I have 2 rather large dry erase boards for reminders. At one point I had gotten so discombobulated between managing my own household, the kids, Joey and his bills and finances, plus my own bills and finances that I actually double paid my internet bill. I still get twisted sometimes, but thankfully I have a better system now than I did then.
    I have been doing some thinking on what I would like to change for 2020. (Jesus that makes me feel old.) Number one on that list is getting more organized. I've always been a very tidy and organized person, but with these kids I definitely need to kick that into overdrive. With having kids with special needs, comes more doctors.. more appointments.. and a lot more needed on my end. Learning to deal with autism, dyslexia, and ADHD over night was no walk in the park. I still don't have it all down. I may not ever, but at least I am trying. It may be a pain in my ass, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love these kids and I love their mom.. so it's just part of it.
   It may be easier to deal with once I get everything in a working order. It didn't help anything that Brandi's ex had everything scattered and all over the place. There were doctors appointments scattered from here to Dallas. Some landing on the same day. Most weren't even necessary. So we have been weeding out doctors and moving everything local. (Which has been a pain in the ass.) But we have managed to get all the kids into a local doctor/ pediatrician/ specialist. One doctor for all of our needs. Or at least most of them. We even managed to rid ourselves of those all day trips to Dallas.. asides from one last appointment for Blake.
    Any way.. now that I've managed to get off topic twice now.. it's time I start getting ready for today and the rest of this week. Damian has his first appointment with his new doctor today, and we have to get this house in order (again.. it's a daily task) for Destiny's home visit for school. So wish us luck over these next few weeks. We are definitely going to need it.


  1. I hear you on the stress of keeping up with four kids! One thing that helped us was starting a Google calendar. My husband, his ex, and I can all see it. It has all of the kids' appointments, events, days off school, etc. I keep their calendar color-coded so their events appear on my personal Google calendar, but only I can see my personal items, and they are a different color. It helps so much having it all on one place, but that doesn't stop me from having a work calendar and a planner at home too :)


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