Living My Best Life

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    I know I haven't been around much lately. But I promise, I am still doing very well. We all are. Well, most of us involved. But I can speak for everyone in my household and say that this is the happiest any of us have been in a long while. 
   Brandi and I have spent every day with one another for the last three weeks. Now normally I would have grown tired of my s/o by then, no matter how new it was.. But we don't seem to tire of one another. There is always something to be said or fun to be had.
    We truly enjoy one another's company. And our kids are very happy with the whole situation. Damian loves Brandi to death. He has even began fighting over her saying "my mommy" like he does me with the other kids. It's adorable to watch. And her kids make sure to share the love with me and have begun to refer to me as their other momma. 
    With the help of a few good friends, we are making this work rather well. Brandi does her best to insure that whatever was said doesn't ruin my day. She is so amazing, caring, honest, faithful, and loyal. I don't know how I got so lucky to have her in my life... 


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