LGBT equality???

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     Today my oldest step daughter came home and said the strangest of things to her mother and I.. "Girls aren't supposed to like girls". After talking to her I came to the root of the problem.. children have been picking on her for having two moms. So much for society progressing huh? People of the LGBT community are supposedly seen as equals now, yet we still have people teaching their children that it is wrong. 
   I'll tell you what is wrong.. people and their judgement is wrong. Even if the bible does say that being gay is a sin, so is judgment. The bible it's self states "judge not and thou shalt not be judged". So tell me who the real sinners are? Is it the person that found love in a person of the same sex or the person judging another as if they are god?
    People in this society sicken me. They judge people for being happy and loving someone... same sex or not. And to place that judgement in the minds of our youth is just pitiful. Just because a child has parents of the same sex doesn't make them any less valuable in society. Some of the most productive people in society are either a member of the LGBT society or were raised by a member of the community. 
    I really wish people would grow the fuck up and realize that we are not all the same, and that should be ok.


  1. How old is your stepdaughter? Seems like an odd thing to even come up with children, depending how old she is.


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