Just an update

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    I know it's been a while since I did an update, so I will start with this past weekend. Damian's dad came to stay the weekend with us as we agreed when we split. He has every other weekend to take him down to the shit hole I call hell and the alternating weekends he comes and stays here with us. This is just to ensure that he gets an adequate amount of time with his son vs how most custody agreements go. It went surprisingly well. Damian really enjoyed the time with his dad and enjoyed staying up most of the night with us adults eating candy (since he was the only kid in the house). 
    Monday morning wasn't as fun. Actually Monday sucked all the way around. Brandi and I were up at 5 am to travel 2 hours away to take our oldest boy to the hospital for surgery. After waiting an hour in the waiting room, they finally got to go back to prep for surgery. Us thinking that it would only take 30 minutes to an hour, I kept her phone and she kept the car keys. Well that didn't go as planned. I ended up in the waiting room for an additional 3 hours without being able to get updates or have a cigarette. Worst 3 hours of my life. But his surgery did go well. He is in the healing stages now and rather sore, but all is well.
     Other than a really relaxed weekend and a horrid Monday, this week has been rather laid back. I've spent the majority of my time doing light housework and being pulled in two by Brandi and little man. I swear their favorite pass time is fighting over who I belong to. Most of every day is spent listening to them go back and forth with "my mommy... No! my mommy".  It's actually cute until Damian gets tired of it and decides he is actually going to fight her over me.
     Brandi and I are doing well as always. You would think that nearly two months in we would have grown tired of being so clingy, but thankfully that is nowhere near the case. We are just as loving and clingy as we were on day one. She is absolutely perfect for me in every way. I didn't think that it was possible to love someone as much as I love her, but I guess it is.  It's the kind of love you only hear about in fairy tales. You never think it is even possible to have that kind of love. Everyone tells you it's make believe. There is no such thing as true love and that you have to work at loving someone every day. But loving her is effortless. 
    I've spent my whole life living by my mother's words "loving someone is seeing their flaws and dealing with them every day regardless".  But with her, I can't even see any flaws. Yeah I pick and play with her, tell her she needs to shave or do her hair, but those aren't real flaws. Those are the moments that I see her and think "mmmm... all mine." She drives me completely insane and sane all at the same time. She really is perfect for me. 
    But anyway... enough gabbing and boring yall with my sappy love story. I'm gonna call this the end of this post and go spend some time with my clingy, loving, beautiful wife. I hope yall are all enjoying life and living it to the fullest.


  1. It's great you guys were able to work out a custody agreement without drama and court and bullshit. That's the way it should be!


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