
Image result for winter is upon us meme

     Well, once again it is winter. And when I say it's Winter... it's single digits tonight. It's a big change from our Summer of triple digits. I'm definitely not used to it yet. I miss the warm weather or even it being high 60's low 70's. But I will say it is perfect for cuddling. Which I have been doing a lot of during this cold weather. Brandi and I both have been anticipating the warmer weather coming back. Neither of us are very big, so this cold weather literally chills us to the bone. 
    It's not really helping anything that I got a wild hair up my ass and decided to chop off all of my hair. Well actually I did it twice. I got it cut and the stylist told me to let her know within the week if I had decided that my hair was still too long. I contacted her the next day to get an appointment to chop it off shorter. We ended up with a total of 4 inches taken off and I love it. I would have never been allowed to go this short before. I have been told that my new hair style matches my sassy personality.
   But asides from those changes, everything is absolutely perfect. Brandi and I are finding more and more that we have in common. Who would have thought I would ever find someone that I am so compatible with. When I say we are perfect together, I mean we fit together better than pieces of a puzzle. It's been pure bliss having her here with me. Even when I do get mad at her it takes less than 10 minutes for her to figure out what's wrong and correct it.
    For instance, Today was an initial appointment with her daughter's new doctor. Well of course her ex kind of just made herself of importance there. She got rude with me and I ended up stepping outside for a smoke. Brandi immediately knew what was wrong and told her ex that she had no reason to be at any appointments from that point on... especially if she could not respect me. 
    That alone brought me into a better mood. She actually stood up for me in my absence. That is something that none of my ex's ever could grasp. I would have to tell them that I wanted them to defend me. But with her, she immediately knew. It was a huge relief to know that I don't have to tell her repeatedly what is upsetting me. It just added to the reasons I love her so much.
     But anyway.. enough of my ramblings. It's time to get back to my love and trying to keep warm. Bright blessings lovelies. I hope you are all keeping warm.


  1. It is finally cooling off here! It's funny, because it's still relatively warm (in the 50s), and people are running around in heavy coats and boots like we live in Antarctica or something.


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