Withheld news

    I've been holding off on sharing this because my mini me hadn't given me permission to share pictures until today. During all of my travels when I was younger I kind of had a girl adopt me as her mom. Well now that little girl is all grown up with a baby of her own on the way. I feel privileged because she chose to give her baby girl a piece of me. She came up with Paisley Rose. She said she chose rose because of my middle name Roselani. I can't believe that in just a month and a half she will be here. I can't wait to get a million pictures of you Miss Paisley Rose.


  1. When I first saw the picture, I thought you were going to say you are pregnant! I figured, well, that is certainly a big announcement, ha ha. Congratulations to your friend and on the name being selected in your honor.


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