Why do I do this to myself????

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   Every day I put myself through the same crap. I wake up, I'm tired, and I push through it. I do things I know damn good and well I shouldn't. Like today... did I wait on some big strong man to move my fridge and stove. Nope. I didn't even wait on help. I call this Super Woman syndrome. And boy do I ever pay for it. 
   Most days I regret it. I forget that my body is aging and it's going to hurt to do the things I did 10 years ago. But I still do it. Consequences be damned. It's not like some magic fairy is going to come along and do it for me. Trust me, if I could swish a wand and it all be done.. I most definitely would. But that's just not how things are here in the real world. 
   But I will say this, maybe I should be just a tad bit more careful with the extents I take things some times. Moving a fully loaded fridge across the kitchen just might be one of those times in the future. But probably not. I'll probably do it myself and regret it hours later when my body reminds me that I wasn't built to move something weighing three times my weight, just like I am regretting it today. I guess you could say that I am glutting for punishment, but I call it doing what needs to be done.
   I don't know why my mentality is and always has been "fuck it I'll do it myself" but I don't think that will ever change. I'll probably be that 80 year old woman rearranging her house, listening to her husband, kids, and grand-kids bitch and complain that One of these days I'm going to break a hip. And I'm probably going to tell them the same thing I tell everyone now when they say "you could have waited and I would have helped". I'm not one to sit around and wait on the help, I'll just do it myself.  
   Then I'll probably do exactly what I plan on doing now... go lay in bed and pray that my back eases up so I can get up and do the next stupid thing on my to do list. Wish me luck.. it's going to be a long day. Bright blessings lovelies. Have a wonderful Saturday.


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