What have I gotten myself into?

Image result for keep calm and drink coffee

  I basically took the weekend off. I did the bare essentials here at home and just enjoyed myself for a change. I definitely needed it. Now the problem is catching up on all of those things I didn't do over the weekend. There is a little bit of regret there because my to do list for today leaves almost no time for relaxation, and I'm already tired because I stayed up late to do some self care. But I wouldn't trade one minute of my weekend to have been at home cleaning. So I guess I only have myself to blame for the hectic and vigorous cleaning that I have to get done today. 
    On the plus side, the house should still be clean tomorrow so I can enjoy my friends coming over tomorrow. Lets just hope I actually get some sleep tonight instead of starting off another day late.  So for this moment, I'm just going to drink my coffee and strategically plan how to get all of this to do list done without losing my head. It's definitely Monday lovelies. Bright blessings.


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