Truth of it all

   You know honestly, I didn't think there were many "good" people left in this world. I guess the small town we used to call home had killed the theory of kindness for me. People there just didn't know how to think of anyone but themselves. It really made me question people. But this move has showed me that some "good" people do still exist. In some of my recent post I've been talking about these new friends we have made (A, B, and J), they have really changed my opinion on people.
     They aren't exactly your traditional Christian people. They are what most consider to be "different" with a "different" lifestyle. But they are genuinely kind people. They aren't only looking out for themselves. And while yes we have lent them a helping hand, they try to repay the favor when they can. For instance, A came to visit yesterday. She had a couple of hours to kill before she had to make her rounds to pick up kids from school. While she was here we got on the topic of putting little man in school. Well in order to do that, I have to get Damian into a dentist. So I was going to look for local dentist and set an appointment. She stopped me right there, explaining her experiences with the local dentist and her own kids. She immediately picked up her phone and called her children's dentist and set an appointment. This dentist is nearly 3 hours from here... she volunteered herself to take us so Daddy wouldn't have to take time off work.
    Not many people would volunteer to lose an entire day to take someone else to a doctors appointment just because it's one of the top 3 in the state. Especially when it is so far away. But that is just how they are. I was just going to wait until we had a second car to take him or find one local. But she insisted and wouldn't take no for an answer. These 3 may not be "normal" but they are definitely restoring my faith in humanity. I couldn't have asked for better friends. And to think, it was pure coincidence that we met. "Good" people do still exist. 


  1. Three hours each way is a pretty big sacrifice for her. That was very kind of her. I have become very cynical about people too, because it just seems like the majority are selfish and sneaky. It's nice to hear about someone like her.


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