New friends and an addition

   Let me start by saying that today started off great. For once I actually got to sleep in without any argument from little man. That alone was reason enough to rejoice. I ended up waking up before he did. He slept till nearly noon which was perfectly okay with me. After all, it did give me some me time which I spent watching Marvel Jessica Jones. It's a series on Netflix that I have become rather fond of. I guess there is a little geek left underneath all this prissiness.
   After running a few errands, we got to go spend some time with some new friends of ours and their kids. We all had a blast. We grilled. We chatted and shared life stories. We played phase 10 and had a bit to drink. It was actually really fun. And honestly it was nice to spend time with like minded individuals. I mean, don't get me wrong... the kinksters are nice to hang out with but these people were more like us. Lifestylers.
   We had only intended on being there for maybe a few hours. But what was intended on being just a few hours turned into majority of the evening into the night. We didn't leave until midnight. Seven hours... where did it go? Oh well... we all had fun and little man got to run and play with other kids until his poor little heart was content.
    They even gifted me a beautiful new addition to our family.. A sweet companion for me here at home. Meet Princess.
   This isn't a great picture of her because she is still adjusting to being in our home and is a bit on the jittery side, but this is her. A pure bred Chihuahua. I'll get better pictures once her jitters settle and she is more at home. But for now, it's time to get her settled in and get ourselves ready for bed so I can enjoy some shopping tomorrow. Bright blessings lovelies. I hope your weekend has started off as great as mine did.


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