Fun with mom and some new decor

   Today started off a little off track. I ended up over sleeping. My MIL was here before I ever crawled out of bed. So our girls day out got off to a late start. But that didn't stop us from having fun. We hit quite a few stores and we both got some pretties. You may have guessed that I got more sugar skulls. If so then you guessed right.

   Some of these are things that I picked up yesterday. But I figured I would share all of my new sugar skull pretties. I also picked up some Halloween decor that will be going on my Christmas tree this year. But that is just a small portion of the things I've gotten. I also got new things for my planner, makeup, a new bluetooth speaker, and a few odds and ends.
    Over all it was a really great day. It's been a while since mom and I just enjoyed a girls day. I have to admit that is probably the only down fall of moving away from the small pit of hell called Bowie. We all miss her, but at least we are still close enough to visit. And on the plus side we still have time to do the things that we enjoy together. Speaking of... look at her nails that I did this evening.
    She decided she wanted yellow and green ombre nails.. So this is them. I'm still perfecting my technique but not bad for my third time doing ombre. But thanks to my new tools and colors I am getting in my practice.
    Now that the day has come to an end it's time to focus on myself for a bit. Maybe do some self care and prepare for the week ahead. So bright blessings lovelies. It's been a great weekend. But as all good things must... it has to come to an end. I hope everyone is ready for Monday.


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