Faith in Humanity

"Humanity is the human race, which includes everyone on Earth. It's also a word for the qualities that make us human, such as the ability to love and have compassion, be creative, and not be a robot or alien."
      Whatever happened to humanity? When did society turn it's nose up at people and inscribe it into people's brains that the only people that mattered were ourselves? Since when is it so bad to have emotions and care about others well-being as well as our own?Since when did the human race become so heartless? 
     These are questions I have to ask myself everyday. I watch people around me and it disgust me. Very few people in this world have any humanity left in them. It's heartbreaking. It's a world that I'm not proud to live in. 
      From the time I was old enough to remember human interaction my mom instilled compassion in me. She always taught my brothers and I to help those that were less fortunate than us and to give a kind word when we seen someone down. It's what separates humans from animals. But animals show more compassion than the people that populate this earth. 
     In the last 24 hours I have gotten news and truth of 2 peoples passing. One being an infant (a distant cousin) and the other being a man that I didn't really know, but I had hung out with and seen a few times. I've seen no compassion for either, nor their family's. In fact, I've been told not to shed a tear for either of them. 
      I'm sorry, it's not in me to be so cold hearted towards either of them, or their families. I feel sorrow and grief for each of them. I understand that they aren't the most liked people in the world, but they were still human. Wyatt (the infant) didn't deserve to lose his life, despite who his parents were or what his parents have done. He did nothing to anyone and had nothing to do with the hatred that should only be directed towards his parents. And while Jaden was a grown man and took his own life, you have wonder what was so bad in this world that he chose to end it. 
     But the truth of it all is no one cares. It wasn't them, it wasn't their own, it's not their family that grieves. So it doesn't matter. But that's not how it should be. As humans we should have a heart. We should care. We should be trying to make this world a better place, if not for us then for our children. But we can't do that when we  chose to only care about ourselves and curse those that have lost or taken their lives.
     We should be able to comfort those around us. Show love, compassion, and restore humanity. But all we are doing is creating a world of selfish, ignorant, arrogant, disrespectful, pricks. We don't teach compassion anymore. Even those that were taught it have abandoned it. 
    This is exactly why I struggle with finding faith in humanity. This is why I believe this world is turning into our worst nightmare.  


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