Back on track...

   Does anyone else ever feel like the last quarter of the year sends their heads spinning? Or is that just me? It seems like every year near this time I lose focus. I can't seem to keep my thoughts in line. They are everywhere. Literally. I of course have my every day thoughts.. bills, things needed, appointments, schedules, to do list. And then to add to it, this time of year I start planning Thanksgiving, Christmas, preparing for shorter checks due to holidays. My brain becomes mush. Ever little unplanned detail stresses me out.
   I wish I could say that this year was different from the last 10. But it's not. I am still dealing with those stresses. But I'm trying to handle them differently this year. Instead of acting like I'm Superwoman, I'm going to try to take things a bit slower. Slowly prepare. I'm trying to not let my every day stress take over. I'm taking time to just breath.
   Unfortunately, today is going to be a very busy day. My body more or less forced me to take the day off from my usual duties. Damian and I both fell sick. Thankfully we both had what seemed like a 24 hour bug. But my lord it was horrible. I hate the stomach bug. And although the worst of it passes in 24 hours, it still leaves its lingering "ugh" feeling for at least a day after.  So while Damian is back to being his normal self, I'm forcing myself into a normal routine, despite my tummy saying "give it a rest".
   So today is all about getting back on track. I've got the bills paid. (I always try to have them paid a week in advance.) Now it's just getting the house cleaned and sanitized after the day of horror we had yesterday. Thankfully I stay fully stocked on disinfectant wipes and spray. I'm hoping to rid the house of all this sickness before Daddy ends up with the same bug we had.
    Well bright blessings lovelies. I'm off to start the day... ready or not.


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