Another companion

   This post is a little late because I was hoping to get a picture of her to add to this post. But yesterday my friend conned me into taking another dog. Since Princess took so well to me, she said Damian needed a companion. That's exactly what  she is. She took to him the moment she came through the door. She is a bit high strung, which suites him perfectly.  They played for the majority of yesterday evening. They must have tired each other out because once I finished watching my movie and eating dinner, I found everyone in bed. This included Daenerys (Damian's new companion).
    She does suit him very well. She even did me a favor and cuddled with him, so he slept in his own bed all night. But anyways.. meet Daenerys.


  1. Do you have 3 dogs now, or just 2? That puppy doesn't look ready to sleep just yet! How do the two new dogs get along with each other?

    1. We have 3 dogs now. My small 2 are inside dogs. Our pit doesn't like being inside. He will destroy walls to get out. So he hasn't gotten to meet Princes and Deanerys.


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