A night out

    Last night Daddy and I took advantage of not having little man at home. So we ended up going over to a friend's house for the evening. I hadn't intended on staying as late as we did, but 2 a.m. came quickly. Time passes and quickly when you're having fun. I really do think that Daddy and I have finally found some decent friends in the area. People we don't mind being around a lot. People that aren't going to use us. People we can genuinely enjoy spending time with. We will call them mystery person A, B, and J for now.
    Anyway, we had a blast last night. We were originally supposed to play beer pong last night, but I took a longer nap than expected so Daddy and I didn't get there until everything had already kicked off. But we still had a great time. We drank, and played cards, talked, and joked. Our party poopers were there as well, so we didn't let ourselves get too out of hand. But it was still fun, asides from one individual (R) getting butt hurt when people would pick on him.
    Even though we haven't really known these people very long, we are becoming close friends. It's always fun to hang out with them and little man absolutely loves going over to play with their kids.  Even when the other kids are in school he enjoys going to see A and B. It's not often that you find a fiend you don't mind seeing everyday, but we are okay with seeing them daily. We actually look forward to it. And if you know daddy then you know that he normally doesn't like people, so that says a lot.
   But anyways, now that another day has come and nearly gone and since we had another late night with A, B, and J... it's time to settle in and get ready for the week ahead. Bright blessing lovelies. It's going to be a great week.


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