Love and Changes

   Excuse the tired momma look I'm rocking, but despite that I absolutely love this picture. I've grown very attached to my morning cuddles with my wee man. He's growing up so quickly. It's almost heart breaking to watch him grow and mature, each day becoming more independent than the day before. But it's nice to know he still enjoys morning cuddles with momma just as much as I do.
   But anywho, enough of my mushy "my baby is growing up" sob story, on to the changes shall we?
   So much has changed that I'm not really sure where to begin. I will say that retrograde royally kicked my ass. It felt like absolutely nothing I did, no matter how much effort I put forth, nothing went right. And by nothing I mean absolutely nothing. It took everything in me to not throw myself in the floor and throw a full on bratty tantrum. But luckily it was mostly all in my head. Time frames just weren't what I would have liked them to be.
   But on the plus side, everything did get done. The tile is laid throughout the livingroom, hallway, and kitchen. Everything except the bathroom has been painted. And the new carpet has been laid in one of the bedrooms. Now I'm working on furnature. Yesterday I hit the jackpot on 2 matching recliners for daddy and I. Now  I just need to find either a recliner for wee man or an oversized chair (seeings wee man has learned to love his own space).
    Everything is slowly coming together. Its just a work in progress. But I will say that Daddy and I have done well in working together to get us where we want to be. He's been very understanding when I get upset. (Which is a big change for him.) We are working on the issues we had in the past and doing our best to keep them from interfering with our future. Now if some of those problems would permanently remove themselves, life woulf be even better.


  1. aww sweet picture and glad things are coming along with the house.


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