Hello lovelies

   Yeah, I know I know. I've been gone for forever. I haven't made a post in ages. But I've been really busy. It's a job and a half getting everything back to how it was before a house fire. But miss Superwoman here has just about done it. I am happily blogging from my new laptop. And Daddy is happily playing on his new Xbox and 42" tv in his game room. So I can happily say that things are reaching a point of normalcy. See?!?!  I came baring good news.
   And now that I have my new laptop all set up, you will be hearing from me more often. It was just a pain in the butt to blog from my phone when I had become so used to blogging from my laptop. It was a sad thing to lose my old laptop and Xbox, but I guess in a way it is okay. We ended up upgrading from everything that we had. I now have a chromebook vs the ancient laptop that I did have. Although it was a tough decision to make since I could have upgraded to a touch screen for not much more. Daddy also upgraded on his game system. We used to have a crappy 500mb Xbox. But I upgraded him to a 1tb system. So I guess losing everything in the fire wasn't a total loss. Especially since we also upgraded from a camper to a 2 bedroom 1 bath with a game room. It's just been hell adjusting and getting things the way we want them. Oh... did I mention that I got Daddy and I a pair of gaming chairs for our game room? I'm sure Daddy is as happy as can be about having his own game room. In the next few months I intend on saving enough that I can add a custom designed gaming computer to his game room. I've had him talk to his brother about designing one made to meet his personal needs. I'm hoping to have that for him by Christmas.
    But anyway.. I guess I should be getting off here. I still have a few chores that I need to complete before I am fully able to sit down and enjoy my new toys. So bright blessings lovelies. You'll be hearing from me again soon.


  1. Yeah blogging from a phone sucks. I bet he is loving his new toys lol. Glad you guys are getting everything worked out on the house end.

    1. I'm glad that we are finally replacing things. It's nice to see things fall into place.

  2. I've tried blogging from my phone too, and you're right, it's not nearly the same as from a computer! Glad to see everything is settling down and slowly getting back to normal.

    1. Phone blogging is a pain and a half. And I am beyond glad to see things setting down and getting back to normal.


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