Date Night and a Three Day Weekend

    Tonight has been great so far. Daddy took Damian and I out for a family date night and a bit of shopping. Other than that we have just been enjoying each other's company and a quiet house. (Finally a night with no dinner guest.) You would be surprised at the extra toll it takes on you just to be feeding extra people. It's been a busy week and honestly the peace and quiet is much appreciated.
   Another plus side to everything is Daddy has a three day weekend.. so I'll actually get to sleep in vs having my sleep interrupted at random hours of the night and early morning. That becomes tiresome as well and begins to take a toll on your body. I can't even explain how tired I've been lately. My brain has been foggy, my body lagging, and my thought process has been slower than a turtle. Did I mention I've been tired?
   On another note, I've recently added a very soothing decoration to the house. I was gifted a fish tank and all of the bells and whistles to go with it. So Daddy and I will be shopping around for a few fish to put in it. I'm so excited. I haven't had fish in nearly 10 years. I've been doing some small decorating here and there when finances allow. That alone makes me very happy.
    But anyway... I just wanted to pop in and give a brief update. I hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend. Bright blessings lovelies.


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