Busy with a capital B

    I'm sorry I've been so far and in between lately. I've been super busy here lately. And when I say busy... I mean BUSY. Have you ever started your day at 2 am and not laid down for a break until bed at nearly midnight? Well thats been the story of my life lately. I'm not really sure what a day of relaxation is anymore.
   I can say that I am very thankful that Daddy has stepped in and attempted to lighten my workload. Yesterday he took Damian and ran several of the errands while I took care of one of the more major task of the day. Thank goodness, because if it were all left to me several things wouldn't have gotten done because time frames overlapped badly.
    Daddy tried to get me to have a relaxed evening at home. That worked for maybe all of an hour before I was up and at it again. With all that has to be done, I simply can't sit and relax. It's impossible. Even when I am sitting, I'm normally making a list, planning, or looking for something we need. Its been hectic to say the least. But on the plus side, we are finally getting close to the end of all this ridiculousness.
    We are so close to having the house completed that I can taste it. Just a few more needed items and I'll be able to relax. I'm truly hoping that I'll be able to complete those task within the upcoming couple of weeks. It would be nice to spend a day just sitting and relaxing without my mind racing or having a million and one things going on inside my head. I need an excape to little space.
   But anyway lovelies, back to life I go. Bright blessing lovelies.


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