If you want to say something to me so badly that you leave a comment, don't be a scared little bitch and delete it before I have the chance to read it and respond.


  1. I feel this way about several people. They talk about me all the time, but whenever they are around me in person, they freeze up and can't even make eye contact. I prefer direct confrontation!

  2. The rings were bought at family dollar or dollar general. My grandma can't remember which one exactly. Ally did say thank you to you and Tina for helping her get into diamond painting, we can't wait for our first project together to arrive so thank you for the recommendation.

    1. It wasn't so much a recommendation for you, it was a special activity I DID have set up for her, her nana, and I for the summer. Y'all enjoy that though. I have another special project in line for us to do over the summer.

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    3. Im not being spiteful. I simply don't want to order her a diamond painting that you've already gotten her. Especially because she hasn't even tried diamond painting yet. I had already gotten the message from Jr, as always, but thanks. As for "putting words in Ally's mouth", I have no reason to. But if you would like to hear it from another mouth that heard our conversation, you are more than welcome to call her father and hear it from him as well. Have a nice day ✌

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Again, you are blowing things out of proportion. You have it wrong. I am glad you are actually going to do something with your daughter. It'll be a nice change to hear about you doing something with her vs S, her aunt's, and her grandparents. I simply won't be making any other diamond painting purchases for her until she is here and can tell me what she already has. In the mean time, I have another activity in mind for us.
      As far as conversation between you and Jr, he always fills me in. Because I am a factor in the decision making process for her while she is under our roof. Therefore, I need to know what is going on with her. I am sorry you can not or will not accept that fact. But unfortunate for you, I am to be his wife. We do not brain wash her. 90% of her time spent here, she spends playing like a child should. What she shares with us is her choice. We do not force her or put words in her mouth as you say we do.
      With that being said, I wish you the best. Goodbye! ✌

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    3. Wow, you really do need your brain checked out. Heres a bit of a correction for you. We didn't have ally last summer. Last summer you went against court order and sent A out of state with her grandparents. Secondly, A was more than excited to be here for the summer, as she always is until you fill her head full of the things you will do with her when she returns. Third, it seems aweful funny that everything was fine and dandy for this summer until it was requested that you pay back the money you borrowed from my inlaws over 6 months ago. And finally, you talk about not knowing what goes on up there?!?! Well the same goes for you. For the last time, leaving children with their father is not considered leaving them alone. Its considered leaving them with their parent. Allowing her to have a later bed time and not do dishes and laundry at age 7 isn't considered her not having structure. Cleaning the home is the parents job. Thats why my house doesn't smell of cat piss so badly tbat it burns peoples eyes ✌

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