Get Ready, Get Set.....Waiting on the Go

    I swear with each passing day my anxiety and anticipation double. I can't believe that this is finally happening. I don't want to expose my move date because some people just don't need that type of information. But I will say this... It's coming and it's coming quickly. We have already started making preparations with Daddy's work and here at home. It's going so smoothly that it's almost unreal. I still have some packing to do here at home, but most of it can't be done until the week of the move.  But everything on Daddy's end is already set in motion. We are waiting on one last email verifying that he passed his background screening has been completed. It's likely that will be in tomorrow.
    After that it's basically smooth sailing. I have one more major obstacle to overcome... getting a better car for the move. After that I literally just have to save money until the day of the move. Seems easy enough. Then I just have to focus on getting things set up where I will be staying. It's all so exciting. I can't wait. It seems so close but so far away.
   My anxiety is in full swing. I want to do sooo much to insure that EVERYTHING is all set for me to leave the morning of,  but I also know that I have to pace myself. I have to remain calm. I have to just breathe. So for now I will just slowly pack things that aren't needed. Slowly eliminate things that we don't need. And just wait out these few weeks. So wish me luck. It's going to be a very testing time. My anxiety is going to be the death of me.


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