Childishness and stupidity

    I don't understand people. I never will. How is it when someone calls another person out on something known to be truth they get mad? Like Wtf? Really? If you don't like whats being said about you then change it. House dirty as fuck??? Clean it. You smell like week old grease??? Shower regularly. Shitty mom/parent?? Get off your lazy ass and do something your child enjoys with them (more than once or twice a month). Hate that you have no friends?? Then maybe you should lose your shitty attitude. Don't run around blaming everyone else for your problems and damn sure don't run your mouth when you can't back it up.
    Another thing I can't stand is people throw the same bullshit up like broken records. And then they turn around in the same breath and pull the same old bullshit. "Oh pity me. Such and such is so mean to me and I just don't understand why." My god that crap is over played. I've heard that record skipping for years. Then to use kids to get pity.. God grow the fuck up. Kids are kids not pawns, house maids, or bank accounts. They are small people with opinions, thoughts, and feelings. They need us to teach and guide them not use them.
   People just need to grow up. Shit needs to change. Adults need to act like adults instead of acting their shoe size. How can we raise our children to be responsible, clean, mature adults if we can't lead by example?


  1. If you feel the need to talk shit about me, at least say it to my face and mind your business. You can raise your child to be a self-entitled brat but giving my child responsibility isn't robbing her of her childhood. I work to provide her with the things she needs. I spend every free moment with her. Keep my name out of your mouth. Joey and her both said the conversation you claimed happened and the comments you claimed were said, never were said. Ally is old enough now to see you for who you are. I leave her to develop her own opinions.

    1. You know this post was actually "in general", but if the shoe fits wear it. Also, it'd be much easier to say things to your face if you'd ever get within 50 feet of me. But I do find it hilarious that you talk about raising A not to be a "self-entitled brat". You do realize that children learn not only by what you tell them but also by watching, right? How is always playing victim, living in depression, and constantly being in a pity party not being self entitled? You may very well spend every free moment with her, but how much of that is spent off of the couch or bed? As for you claiming they said the conversation never happened... Then why were we discussing it Wednesday? Why would Jr make it a point for me to make sure A gets to be outside as often as she likes and not be cooped up in the house? As for chores.. You do things your way. I'll be waiting for her rebellion in about 4-5 years. And You know what? You're right. Ally is old enough to see me for who I am. That must be why she spends the majority of her time here with me. I must be a horrible person for her to want to do everything with me. And if she does have her own opinion it's name must be mommy because she damn sure knows you don't like me.

    2. Again, she isn't cooped up. She was severely sick for a week and a half followed by two weeks of rain off and on but it will always be you on your high horse. Like I said, I'll fix the damage you cause when she comes. There's no need for me to cross paths with you at all. Have a good summer hun.


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