Tired of childishness

*This is very much a rant and may offend some people.

    I've actually been holding my tongue for a while, but I can't just bottle it up any longer. I am so sick of seeing and hearing people play the victim in every situation and then act like a child because they either got corrected or someone got fed up with the bullshit and went off on them. It's stupid. It's immature. And it shows that persons lack of adult mentality.
    I've been dealing with this crap for years and I truly feel sorry for my in-laws and my fiance because they have had to deal with it for far longer than I have. I, personally, dont have as much patience for it as they do. We are constantly told to "grow up", but in reality..  Its the other party that fails to be an adult.
    Just in the past 2 days, we have dealt with a certain individual telling us when we were going to do visitation, telling my MIL when she was going to be home for drop off, cancelling plans to better suite the situation, and then having to cancel that all over again. Why you ask? We purposely did not send a letter because we chose to have our summer visitaton start July 1st. But that didn't fit into the other party's schedule or whatever her next excuse would be. So we were told we would be having my stepdaughter for the first half of summer. Not asked, told. Ok... No big deal, I'll just rearrange some things.
    Well then, because she got but hurt due to being asked to have common curtiousy in the future and ask vs demanding and telling us what we are going to do... Plans changed again. And again after the situation was defused. And now yet again the plans are changed because my fiance pointed out that she was being childish, she needed to quit thinking that she had any control over what happens in our family unit, and that if she was going to let her depression eat her alive that it need not be done around his daughter. (You would know that situation better if you had any clue how many suicide attempts this person had made.)
   Long story short, I'm fed up with the childishness. I'm beyond tired of the "you offended me because you gave a logical explanation to my faults", "I'm offended because you pointed out my wrong doings", " I'm offended because you won't do what I told you to", or my personal favorite "I don't see why y'all even bother with my child" every time she doesn't get her way. Its ridiculous.
     We don't tell her how to run her household. We don't tell her when or how she is going to do anything. We don't tell her when or on what she can spend money. 9 times out of 10 we don't bother her at all unless she has went against court order and withheld information from us concerning my fiance's daughter. But she feels the need to have her nose in our life?!? Shes always putting her two sense in our life. Bitching about the money daddy and I spend. Bitching about daddy spoiling me. Bitching because we refuse to bend to her will.
    Well now its my turn. If I have to push aside plans and things that need to be done here to make the trip to get  my step daughter, I will go ahead and make it a day of errands. I have packets nearly 4 inches thick that need to be dropped off at 4 different locations. I'm sure those people would be thrilled to get a peice of the truth. I'm done with the childish shit, the back and forth plans, but most of all... I am sick of seeing and hearing people claim victim and abuse when they too are guilty. (Yeah I did overhear my fiance being called everything but a white man and p.s. his mom shouldn't be your choice of person to belittle him to.)
    I can not and will not continue to watch someone attempt to bully my family and then play victim when it blows up in their face. We don't deal with that shit within the family unit without taking action and putting individuals in their place, and we damn sure aren't going to take it off someone who isn't part of the family. It's time to take action.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I won't tolerate my husband's ex-wife trying to mandate what happens in our home. It's beyond obnoxious, particularly when she has had two convicted drug users living in the house with the kids at her home! I guess it's easier for her to pretend she has any control over our home than admit she has none over hers. Hope you manage to have a good weekend!


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