
    I know my in-laws and I dont always get along, but we always pull back together and work things out. I can't explain how grateful I am for all the help they gave daddy and I over the last few days. Although Damian walked away with only a small bruise and little to no soreness, that wasn't the case for his daddy and I. We definitely needed their help keeping up with our very active little boy.
     But they helped with so much more than that. We stayed with them for three nights to make sure that I would be able to resume normal activities with Damian and to assure that I would even be able to get up with him. My MIL basically took care of us all for the first 24 hours. Assuring that we had everything we needed, food, exc.
    Today was my first day resuming majority of my usual activities. I forced myself out of my fear of driving yet again. So we were able to come home. I'm still having to make accommodations to better handle being home, but I am glad to be in my own bed. If it weren't for the family... I'm not sure what we would have done.
    You will have to forgive my blog post for a while. They may be a little all over the place due to a bit of lagging or lacking of memory. But bear with me. We are all still recovering and attempting to get back into daily routines. Wish us luck lovelies. Its a long process, but lucky for us... We have a great family.


  1. Are you driving the truck now? I am used to my little car, so I hate driving my husband's big old truck. Hope you guys recover and heal up fast.

  2. Oh no. The truck is way too big for my comfort. I wont drive it unlesa its absolutely necessary.

  3. Just testing to see if I can leave a comment, or if Blogger is still acting up! I have some other comments on my blog, so maybe it's back to working now.


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